VAT Return Filing

VAT is levied on sale of goods by businesses which are either are traders or manufacturers or works contractors. VAT registration is applicable for businesses which are selling goods beyond a certain threshold limit of turnover. VAT is a state levy and is applicable in most states in India.

CST Registration and payment is mandatory if the dealer sells goods outside the state of his registration.

Every dealer having VAT or CST Registration has to file periodical VAT/CST return as per the laws of that state.

We can help you file your VAT/CST return. Our GST experts can help you compute your VAT payments and e file the VAT return.
VAT/CST Return filing process:
  • Collection of Documents
    • Collection of necessary documents for the preparation of VAT/CST returns.
  • Computation of VAT/CST payable
    • 'We will compute the VAT payable.
  • Payment of VAT/CST
    • We will help you in payment of VAT/CST.
  • Filing of VAT/CST Return
    • Preparation and filing VAT/CST return.
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